How do I create groups?

  1. On the main page for the Moodle shell, click "participants"on the left
  2. Click the gearin the top right
  3. Select "Groups"from the dropdown
  4. Click "Create group"on the bottom 
  5. Change the settingsof the group (Name, Description, etc)
  6. Click "Save Changes"on the bottom
  7. Select the groupfrom the text area on the left
  8. Click "Add/remove users"on the right 
  9. Select the userson the right and click Add in the middle to add them to the group
  10. Click"Back to groups"on the bottom
  11. Repeatsteps 4-10until you have all the groups filled


How can I give a student/group more time for/allow another attempt on/reopen a quiz?

  1. On the main page for the Moodle shell, select the quiz
  2. Click the gearin the top right corner
  3. Click "User overrides" or "Group Overrides"
  4. Select Add user override or "Add group override"
  5. Enter the name of the student/groupand ensure it is selected
  6. Enter the overridefor that student/group whether it be time, attempts, etc.


How can I override a grade?

  1. On the main page of your Moodle shell, click "Grades"on the left.
  2. Ensure the drop-down in the top left corner is set to "Grader report."
  3. Use the bar at the bottom of the page to scroll to the right until you have reached your grade item.
  4. Click the pencil iconnext to the title of the quiz.
  5. You should now see a table of students and their scores. Scroll downuntil you have found the student you wish to override.
  6. Check the "Override" checkbox.
  7. The field under "Grade" should now be white. Enter the scoreyou wish and click "Save" on the top or bottom right.


How can I prevent students from losing a quiz attempt that they forgot or were unable to submit?

You may enable the "Open attempts are submitted automatically" setting in the "When time expires" in the timing section of your quiz settings.

Why can't my students see their course totals?

Moodle hides course totals if they contain a hidden item by default. If using hidden activities and grade items, please enable “Show totals including/excluding hidden items” in the “Hide totals if they contain hidden items” option in the “Course grade settings” section of the gradebook setup tab.

Why can't my students and I see my courses starting soon in the navigation column on the left?

Moodle hides past and future courses by default. You may change the filter to “All” to see all courses in the Dashboard.